Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tool #6

I went to   I made a sample poll asking "What is your favorite animal?"  My students can definitely use this when collecting data to make graphs in math.  This would be a fun and exciting way to get everyone involved. They can create a poll to poll the class and even their parents (we can embed it in our class blog).  After they have obtained their data from Poll Everywhere they can make pictographs and/or bar graphs to show their findings. 

I also went to
This would get the class involved in content questions for all subject areas.  I can ask questions and my students can answer.  They can also ask questions and make comments.  This would get everyone talking about what they are learning!


  1. Poll Everywhere is a great tool to use for quick and easy polling. I think for you in the classroom (and out) it could help you gauge the lesson/student understanding and more. Students (and you) could also use tools like Google Forms to collect data!

    Today's Meet is another great tool for conversation - think of what a great set it could be - or having table groups respond to questions...

    Aren't these tools just fab! technology is making it so easy to collaborate!

    PS. Love your background!

  2. I loved answering your poll! These things are so cool and I think the kids would love doing them! Onward to #7 and the downward slope!
